10 Fascinating Blue Colored Birds In The US (+ Photos)

blue colored birds

Blue-colored birds are becoming increasingly popular among bird watchers and amateurs alike, along with purple and green ones. Blue is not just a color on the spectrum of light that strikes our eyes, but it also stimulates certain sensations on our retina which then triggers reactions in our brain.  Blue feathers have been known to …

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7 Birds With Long Beaks That You Can Find In The World

birds with long beaks

The world of birds is an amazing place.  It’s home to more than 10,000 species that are identifiable by their colorful feathers, size or behavior. While many people think that all birds have short beaks, there are some that can grow up to three feet long. Read on for some information about 7 beautiful birds …

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How long does it take for bird eggs to hatch?

how long does it take for bird eggs to hatch

Birds are really fascinating creatures.  They’re the only winged animals on the planet. They can fly, hop, or stroll to their destination. They produce distinct vocalizations and tweets that no other animal does.  It’s only natural to be interested in these lovely birds’ lives. So in this article you will learn new things about eggs …

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Why Do Owls Hoot? All About About Owl Communication

why do owls hoot

Have you ever been out at night and heard an owl hoot? You may wonder why they do this.  Well, most owls are nocturnal animals that hunt during the night. When out at night owls use a kind of warbling or whistling sound, which is what we often refer to as an owl hoot. In …

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How Long Do Owls Live? All About Owl Life Expectancy

how long do owls live

Owls are pretty mysterious animals.  They belong to the family of birds known as Strigidae, which includes about 200 species of mostly nocturnal birds that can be found on all continents except Antarctica. If you are an avid bird watcher, you probably know owls are not the most social of birds.  However, there is still …

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