10 Black Birds With Yellow Beak You Should Know

black bird with yellow beak

Black birds are a common sight in many parts of the world, but those with yellow beaks can be a rare sight. If you’re lucky enough to spot a black bird with yellow beak, you’re in for a treat.

While they may not be the flashiest of creatures, black birds with yellow beaks are definitely worth spotting and recognizing.

Here are 10 of the most well-known yellow-beaked birds that you should keep an eye out for.

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10 Black Bird With Yellow Beak

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Yellow-Billed Chough

Yellow-Billed Chough

The yellow-billed chough is a member of the crow family. It breeds in mountains across southern Europe, North Africa, and western Asia. In winter, some birds migrate south from colder regions to the milder parts of their range.

The bird has glossy black plumage, a long curved bill, red legs and feet, and distinctive calls. It feeds mostly on short grassland, where it searches for invertebrates.

Making a lined stick nest, it nests mostly in caves and crevices in cliffs. Usually, two eggs are laid. This is a highly gregarious bird in its breeding and wintering ranges, often forming large flocks with other chough species. 

Eurasian Blackbird

Eurasian Blackbird

The Eurasian blackbird is a species of true thrush. It is an important species in many cultures. In Europe, it is known as the “nightingale of the north”. In Asia, it is known as the “black-feathered friend”.

In size, the Eurasian blackbird is similar to a robin. It has a yellow beak, black legs, and black feathers. The female bird is grey-brown with a light brown breast. The bird displays sexual dimorphism; the adult male has black plumage while the female has brown.

This blackbird eats insects, earthworms, berries, and fruits and nests in trees or bushes. 

Hill Myna

Hill Myna

The Hill Myna is a species of myna native to South and Southeast Asia. This bird is usually found in pairs or small groups, making it one of the more social mynas. 

The Hill Myna typically weighs between 0.3 and 0.5 pounds and is around 11.4 inches in length. It is easily identifiable with its black plumage. Both male and female birds have these features. 

These birds are primarily frugivorous, but will also consume insects, nectar, and lizards if given the chance. Its social nature and interesting appearance make it a popular pet bird.

Common Black Hawk

Common Black Hawk

The Common Black Hawk is a species of hawk found in Central and South America. It is the only member of the Buteogallus genus found outside of the Old World.

The Common Black Hawk is a large bird of prey, with males measuring up to 24 inches in length and females up to 28 inches. The plumage of these birds is black, with some brown on the wings and tail. The beak is yellow, and the legs are grey.

These birds typically live in woodlands near rivers or wetlands. Their diet consists primarily of reptiles and small mammals, which they hunt from perches in trees.

The Common Black Hawk typically nests in trees, laying 2-4 eggs per clutch. The female does most of the incubating, while the male brings her food. The young birds fledge after about 8 weeks. 



The Toucan is a large, brightly-colored bird found in the tropical forests of Central and South America. The plumage of toucans is black, with white on the belly and chest. Some species of this bird also have brightly-colored feathers on their wings and tails.

These birds are most easily identified by their large, curved beaks. They use their beaks to reach fruits that other animals cannot get. Though it may look heavy, a toucan’s beak is quite light. This is because it is made mostly of keratin, a protein that also makes up human hair and nails.

The hollow center of the beak is supported by thin bones. Despite its appearance, a toucan’s beak is not very strong. The birds use them primarily to dig for food and to intimidate predators. However, in a fight, the beak would be of little use.

Fortunately, toucans are smart enough to know that their beaks are scary looking, and they use this to their advantage when confronted by predators. Still, there are some animals, such as hawks, eagles, and owls, that are not fooled by the beak and prey on toucans.

European Starling

European Starling

The European starling is a small black bird with yellow beak. They are found in Europe and Asia and migrate to Africa in the winter. They are not very colorful, but their plumage is blackish purple with a hint of brown on the tips of their feathers. Their underbelly is dark green and they have pink feet. 

European starlings usually weigh about 0.12-0.22 pounds and grow up to 8.6 inches in length. They are tone-deaf but make a variety of sounds. In addition, they are known to mimic the sounds of other birds, machines, and even humans. 

They eat mainly insects, but also berries and seeds during the winter. Adult European starlings are prey to great raptors like falcons and hawks, while owls and raccoons eat their eggs.

Double-Crested Cormorant

Double-Crested Cormorant

The double-crested cormorant is a black bird with yellow beak that is native to North America. Both male and female double-crested cormorants have the same physical features and they typically weigh between 2.6 and 5.5 pounds. 

These birds can grow to be 28 to 36 inches in length and they typically prefer to eat fish. However, if given the chance, they will also snatch amphibians or crustaceans. 

When these birds are swimming or fishing, they will often spread their wings halfway to dry them off. Double-crested cormorants are not water-resistant like mute swans and thus need to take this extra step to prevent their wings from getting wet.

Common Myna

Common Myna

The Common Myna is a small black bird from the starling family. It is also known as the Indian Myna or the Common Starling. The bird is one of the most invasive bird species in the world.

These birds are found in South Asia, specifically India, and Sri Lanka. In addition to North America, Australia, and parts of Europe, they have been introduced to many other parts of the world.

Common Mynas are easily identified by their black plumage and yellow beak. They also have a white patch on their wings, which is visible when they are in flight. They typically weigh between 4 and 5 ounces and they can grow to be up to 9 inches in length. 

These birds are omnivorous and their diet consists of insects, fruits, and small reptiles. Common Mynas are also known for being very aggressive towards other bird species. They will often chase other birds away from their nests and steal their food. 

In some parts of the world, such as India, the Common Myna is considered to be a symbol of bad luck. In addition, these birds are known to attack people if they feel threatened.

Black Thrush

Black Thrush

The Black Thrush is a large black bird with yellow beak that is native to Europe, Asia, and Africa. These birds are members of the thrush family and they are closely related to Bluebird

Typically, Black Thrushes consume insects and fruits as their primary diet. The wingspan of these birds is 9.8 to 11.8 inches and they can grow up to 5.5 to 9.3 inches in length.

In terms of appearance, Black Thrushes are mostly black, with a few white spots on their wings. Their belly is rusty red and they have yellow eyes. There is a beautiful singing voice associated with these birds. And, they sing a series of clear, flute-like notes descending in pitch. 

Steller’s Sea Eagle

Steller’s Sea Eagle

The Steller’s Sea Eagle is a big black bird with yellow beak that is found in coastal areas of Russia, Japan, and Korea. These birds are named after the German naturalist Georg Wilhelm Steller. 

They are the largest eagle in the world, with a wingspan of up to 9.8 feet. They typically weigh between 15 and 20 pounds.

Steller’s Sea Eagles are mostly black, with white patches on their wings and tail. They have yellow eyes and a large, hooked beak. These birds are known to be very aggressive and they will often steal prey from other birds. In addition to fish, these birds will eat other birds, mammals, and carrion as well. 

Wrap Up

These are just a few of the black birds with yellow beak that you may encounter. It’s no wonder that bird enthusiasts are attracted to these birds due to their modest and even mysterious appearance.

In some cultures, black birds with yellow beaks are considered to be messengers of good news while some consider it to be a sign of bad luck

Whether you want to learn more about the feathered friends in your backyard or simply browsing the web, take some time to get to know these black birds with yellow beaks.

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