Top 9 Best Feeders for Blue Jays – Review of 2023

best bird feeder for blue jays

In my years of passionate bird watching, I can only think of a few names that can come close to the beauty that is the blue jay. Blue jays are these icy blue birds that are typically larger than most of its songbird relatives. Crested and mostly with blue coloration on its body, they usually travel and live in small flocks.

And oh, have I mentioned that most of them are monogamous and are committed to lifetime partners? With all these awesome fun facts and beauty, I can just go on and on about blue jays!

6 Best Feeders for Blue Jays Comparison

Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Black Wreath Feeder for Squirrels and Blue Jays
Birds Choice Whole Peanut Blue Jay Feeder with Green Roof, medium (SN-PN)
Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Red Wreath Feeder for Squirrels and Blue Jays
Gray Bunny Hanging Peanut Wreath Bird Feeder, 16 Inch, Rust & UV Resistant, Weatherproof, Solid...
Birds Choice XWPF Bird Feeder, 2 Quarts, Beige
Gray Bunny Premium Steel Sunflower Seed Feeder and Peanut Feeder, 15" Tall, Wild Bird Feeder for...
Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Black Wreath Feeder for Squirrels and Blue Jays
Birds Choice Whole Peanut Blue Jay Feeder with Green Roof, medium (SN-PN)
Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Red Wreath Feeder for Squirrels and Blue Jays
Gray Bunny Hanging Peanut Wreath Bird Feeder, 16 Inch, Rust & UV Resistant, Weatherproof, Solid...
Birds Choice XWPF Bird Feeder, 2 Quarts, Beige
Gray Bunny Premium Steel Sunflower Seed Feeder and Peanut Feeder, 15" Tall, Wild Bird Feeder for...
13 x 13 x 2.75 inches
7 x 10 x 15 inches
13 x 13 x 2.75 inches
12 x 2.5 x 16 inches
11 x 11 x 7 inches
9.5 x 4 x 4 inches
1.1 lb
2-1/4 quarts
1.1 lb
2 quarts
2 cups
Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Black Wreath Feeder for Squirrels and Blue Jays
Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Black Wreath Feeder for Squirrels and Blue Jays
13 x 13 x 2.75 inches
1.1 lb
Birds Choice Whole Peanut Blue Jay Feeder with Green Roof, medium (SN-PN)
Birds Choice Whole Peanut Blue Jay Feeder with Green Roof, medium (SN-PN)
7 x 10 x 15 inches
2-1/4 quarts
Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Red Wreath Feeder for Squirrels and Blue Jays
Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Red Wreath Feeder for Squirrels and Blue Jays
13 x 13 x 2.75 inches
1.1 lb
Gray Bunny Hanging Peanut Wreath Bird Feeder, 16 Inch, Rust & UV Resistant, Weatherproof, Solid...
Gray Bunny Hanging Peanut Wreath Bird Feeder, 16 Inch, Rust & UV Resistant, Weatherproof, Solid...
12 x 2.5 x 16 inches
Birds Choice XWPF Bird Feeder, 2 Quarts, Beige
Birds Choice XWPF Bird Feeder, 2 Quarts, Beige
11 x 11 x 7 inches
2 quarts
Gray Bunny Premium Steel Sunflower Seed Feeder and Peanut Feeder, 15" Tall, Wild Bird Feeder for...
Gray Bunny Premium Steel Sunflower Seed Feeder and Peanut Feeder, 15" Tall, Wild Bird Feeder for...
9.5 x 4 x 4 inches
2 cups

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What To Look For When Buying A Bird Feeder For Blue Jays


Blue jays are awe-inspiring, and there are four subspecies of it. The smallest of them all is the Florida Blue Jay, with coloration that is similar to the Northern Blue Jay typically found in the northern US parts and Canada. They both have the paler shade of blue on them, which is unlike the vividly-colored Coastal Blue Jay found on the eastern and southern US parts. The last subspecies, the Interior Blue Jay is found in the Midwest. From these places, they roam and travel around the country.

If you’re lucky to be visited by a Blue Jay or if you have seen one in your area, you should definitely put a feeder out to make sure they’ll come by your place and treat it as a second home. Now, people often wonder what the difference is between a normal bird feeder and one that is specifically for the blue jays.

The answer to which is that there are many aspects to consider when talking about blue jay bird feeding. And I have created this list in order to guide upcoming enthusiasts about blue jay feeding!

Consider The Size

Size matters when it comes to birds, and bird feeding. The size of the feeder should be considered with regards to the size of the bird. Blue jays are typically bigger than most birds we see outside. For example, when a Blue Jay becomes an adult they reach a size of 9 to 12 inches in the average. When compared to the smaller Black-capped Chickadees, they seem quite enormous.

Now that you have an idea of how they compare in size, consider the size of the feeder. Can it feed birds that are of typically larger build? What about when they have a small flock with them? Can they all partake on the food or will they be too crowded? Choose a feeder that can support the ideal number of birds that you would like to see on your designated area, as to avoid some infighting among them.

Consider The Make

Now we are going to talk about the feeder materials. There exists a number of variation in not blue jay bird feeders, and they all have their own specific uses and perks. First, we have wooden feeders. The wood element mimics a more natural setting for birds, typically attractive for feeding blue jays. They retain less heat during sunny days and less cold during winters.

However, they can also retain moisture as with all wood materials and that can become difficult in rainy days. Plastic feeders, on the other hand, come in many designs as it is easier to mold. They are also lightweight, and with cheaper prices, you can buy another one just as quick when one breaks. Metal feeders are the last kind, and they are ideal to buy because of their famous and long lasting durability that no other material can match.

The make also dictates the diet you are going to provide. Wet and moist food do best in metal and plastic makes because they do not absorb such, but most of the time the wood make is an all-around feeder.

Another thing to consider when looking for the perfect make for you is the environment you have. What is the typical weather in your area? Is it raining most of the time, or is the sun almost blistering most days? The feeder you choose should be the one suited to the environment it is placed on as well.

Consider The Design

Now comes the hard part, choosing the right design. There are typically three designs to choose from when it comes to the feeding type. First, there are hopper feeders. Mostly mimicking a tiny house where birds hop on and enter in order to eat, these type of feeders are usually made of wood and are great if you the blue jays in your area are the small ones.

There are also the tube feeders, which are dispensers with a hatch at the bottom part allowing for a downward motion of the seeds/grains, where the birds are able to patiently peck at the food. This is an effective feeder if you only hope to feed a small number of blue jays. If you want more and bigger blue jays, the most suited type for you is the open platform feeders because it allows for more freedom of movement, and is also able to feed the blue jays by the numbers.

When it comes to placing, there are also three types namely the mounted feeder, the hanging feeder, and the grounded feeder. As the names suggest, the mounted feeder is screwed or bolted unto walls, trunks, and big branches for a secured viewpoint. The hanging feeder is hung from a high place and is usually more visible to birds. The ground feeders are laid on the ground and therefore do not have the same risks as the aerial ones.

When it comes to blue jays, it is usually best to have variations like the mounted hopper or the grounded platform. Blue jays are highly intelligent birds and do not like being watched, so your feeder should blend in with the surroundings in order to trick them into eating on it. Otherwise, they will just fly away.

Consider The Price

Now with all these factors in mind, you should consider the price of the feeder. Do the size, the make, and the design justify the price? When you walk into a store with no idea about these factors then you are more susceptible to buying the wrong feeder for you. Consider the bird size, the flock size, the diet, the weather, and the environment in choosing the right feeder for you. Buying a feeder with a warranty also bodes well for a quality product.

Blue jays are beautiful to watch early in the morning, and also before the night comes. Their calming color soothes the soul of bird watchers around the world. Having them perch around outside your house, you will surely become the envy of the whole neighborhood surrounded with such natural magnificence! If you want to be a friend to our fair feathered friends, then keep this list in mind when searching for bird feeders for cardinals and bluejays.

If you are interested in adding the beautiful Blue Jays to your bird watching, then you are in need of a bird feeder, specifically, the best feeder for Blue Jays! Worry not, I’ve narrowed down feeders from a list of more than five dozen to just the top nine Blue Jays feeders that will certainly do the job.

Top 9 Best Feeders for Blue Jays

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1. Songbird Essentials SE6019

Songbird Essentials SE6019

Making the blue jays coming back for more tasty treats is a challenging task. If you need a good bird feeder that will keep the blue jays around your area asking for more, then perhaps the Songbird Essentials SE6019 is the right one for you.

What I like about this particular bird feeder is its design. This is truly unlike the other bird feeders I have seen so far. This feeder is like a Christmas wreath; I can just simply hang it and place the peanuts on the twisted wires.

Another laudable feature of this product is its capacity. It can hold up to 1 ½ lb. of peanuts – a treat that blue jays find irresistible. 1 ½ lb. of peanuts is something that saves me efforts to refill the feeder every time. Once I have filled the feeder with peanuts, all I have to do is to enjoy bird watching all day!

I thought at first that this bird feeder will be deformed after a period of time. After three months of using it to feed blue jays, I’m surprised to see that it’s still in perfect condition! This feeder is also durable and weatherproof, so I don’t worry about it acquiring rust or getting bent.

My only problem with this bird feeder is how it is not squirrel-proof. Whenever I fill the feeder with peanuts, these sneaky rodents are always the first ones to pay a visit. Because of this, the blue jays are scared to feed as long as the squirrels are around. I have to chase the squirrels away before the blue jays perch and feed on the peanuts I have reserved for them.


  • Durable
  • Weatherproof
  • Chew-proof
  • It can hold up to 1 ½ lb. of peanuts
  • It can keep its round shape consistently


  • Not squirrel-proof
Considering all the points I have mentioned above, I can confidently say that the Songbird Essentials SE6019 is a remarkable bird feeder. Durable and weatherproof, it can surely stand the test of time. The twisted wire holds enough food for blue jays for two to three days. Finally, squirrels won’t be able to damage this feeder because it is made of metal.
Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Black Wreath Feeder for Squirrels and Blue Jays
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  • This Bird and Squirrel Feeder Features a Spiral Wire that Takes a Little Effort to Remove Peanuts. Keeps Squirrels and Birds there Longer.
  • Intentionally Feeding Squirrels Keeps Them off Your Bird Feeders. Giving Squirrels Their Own Favorite Food Source will Help Keep Them Away...

2. Birds Choice Whole Peanut Blue Jay Feeder

Birds Choice Whole Peanut Blue Jay Feeder

Feeding blue jays is a difficult task especially if you don’t have the proper feeder to keep them coming. If you want to see these songbirds in your property every day, you definitely need something that will accommodate only them and nothing else. If you are looking for a good bird feeder for blue jays, the Birds Choice Whole Peanut Blue Jay Feeder is the right one for you.

What I like about this bird feeder is its compact design. It has a hatch lock which serves as a roof and the opening of seed compartment. The plastic wall of the seed compartment has holes to let fresh air in and keep the moisture out.

Another promising feature of this bird feeder is its dispenser mechanism. The small platform has a small opening which dispenses the peanuts from inside the compartment by way of gravity. The vertical clearance between the roof and the platform is very small that’s why only small birds such as blue jays can feed on the tasty peanuts.

The whole feeder is made from 100% recycled plastic. If you are environmentally-conscious just like me, then you will definitely enjoy this bird feeder. Since this feeder is made of plastic, I don’t worry about it breaking if it falls accidentally on the ground.

My only frustration is that the package arrived did not include any instruction or hanging cable. I had to find a suitable cable from my stash just to properly hang this feeder in my property. Also, I found out that this feeder is not chew-proof. The pesky squirrels chewed their way inside the food compartment and took all the peanuts away.


  • Compact
  • Easy to hang
  • Durable
  • Lightweight
  • Weatherproof
  • It has air ventilation that keeps the peanuts dry
  • Made from recycled plastic


  • Not chew-proof
  • No hanging cable included in the package
All in all, I can confidently state that this peanut bird feeder for blue jays is a superb product. It is compact, durable, lightweight, weatherproof, and most of all – easy to hang. The peanuts can be easily placed through a hatch which also serves as part of the roof.

The transparent plastic wall has holes which keeps the peanuts dry and fresh. Finally, this product is made from 100% recycled plastic, so you don’t need to worry about it deteriorating any time soon.

Birds Choice Whole Peanut Blue Jay Feeder with Green Roof, medium (SN-PN)
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  • PRODUCT DETAILS: The Birds Choice Jay Feeder measures 7-1/4”L x 10”W x 15”H and 23-3/4”H with hanging cable Fill with whole peanuts...
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3. Songbird Essentials SE6020

Songbird Essentials SE6020

If you are searching for a reliable, durable, and trustworthy bird feeder for blue jays, the Songbird Essentials SE6020 is one of the best products in the market today.

One of the features that I tremendously enjoyed about this feeder is its unique shape. The twisted metal wire provides not only a solid foothold for the birds but also good storage for the peanuts. Since the peanuts are stored inside the twisted wire, it allows air to circulate therefore keeping the peanuts fresh at all times.

Another positive feature of this bird feeder is its durability. Even though it falls in the ground, I’m completely sure that it won’t break easily. Also, it can endure the weight of multiple birds (even multiple squirrels) without deforming it. The annoying rodents won’t even be able to chew their way to get the tasty treat. Finally, it is so lightweight therefore carrying it is very easy. I can easily hang it without straining my back.

This feeder is also weatherproof. The quality of its external appearance is not affected by intense sunlight and heavy rain or snow. Moreover, its red paint job remains the same even after being exposed to elements for a long period of time. The birds easily notice the feeder because of its color. Once they are attracted to it, blue jays will flock on it all day long.

The only problem that I see in this bird feeder is being not squirrel proof. Squirrels freely climb on the feeder to steal some peanuts. Although it is funny to watch them swing and get thrown around whenever they step on an unstable foothold, they still succeed in the end, especially if there were many of them.


  • The twisted wire design is perfect for being a perch and storing peanuts
  • Durable
  • Lightweight
  • Weatherproof
  • Chew-proof
  • Easy to hang


  • Not squirrel-proof
All things considered, I can confidently conclude that the Songbird Essentials SE6020 is an impressive product. It is durable, weatherproof, lightweight, and easy to hang. Because of the material used to manufacture it, not even the squirrels can chew their way to get a taste of the delicious peanuts.
Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Red Wreath Feeder for Squirrels and Blue Jays
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  • Intentionally Feeding Squirrels Keeps Them off Your Bird Feeders. Giving Squirrels Their Own Favorite Food Source will Help Keep Them Away...

4. Gray Bunny GB-6893 Hanging Peanut Wreath Bird Feeder

Gray Bunny GB-6893 Hanging Peanut Wreath Bird Feeder

Blue jays are known to eat a wide variety of food. By letting them feed on the same feeder where other birds eat, they would end up all of the food leaving nothing for the other birds. If you want to keep these songbirds busy with their own food, the best thing to do is to hang a Gray Bunny GB-6893 in your property.

I like so many things about this feeder. The wreath design makes it easier to store the peanuts. Moreover, the blue jays can easily spot the peanuts from a distance, therefore preventing them from monopolizing the seeds from other bird feeders.

The feeder is made of steel wire. This makes it durable and chew-proof. Even if it falls in the ground several times, I know that it won’t get deformed or bent easily.

Since this feeder is made of twisted wire, rusting is totally out of the equation. I know this feeder will last a long time even after being exposed to elements such as sunlight, rain, and dust.

Another commendable feature of this product is its 90-day guarantee. Although I am confident that this feeder won’t break in my possession, I have a peace of mind that I can bring any issue about the product to their attention.

What I didn’t appreciate about this feeder is the spacing between the spiral wires. While it holds the peanuts firmly, the blue jays have a hard time getting the food. I have adjusted the spacing to make it easier for the birds to get the peanuts. Since then, they are having a wonderful time eating the treats I have prepared for them.


  • Made of metal
  • Durable
  • Lightweight
  • Weatherproof
  • Chew-proof
  • Has a 90-day guarantee


  • Small spacing between the spiral wire makes it harder for birds to get the peanuts
In a nutshell, I can confidently say that the Gray Bunny GB-6893 is an excellent bird feeder. It can attract blue jays consistently and keep the peanuts safe against the looting squirrels. It is durable, lightweight, weatherproof, and most of all – chew-proof. If you found any noteworthy concern about the product, you can bring it back to the manufacturing company within the 90-day guarantee period.
Gray Bunny Hanging Peanut Wreath Bird Feeder, 16 Inch, Rust & UV Resistant, Weatherproof, Solid...
  • SMART DESIGN: GrayBunny wreath-shaped bird feeder has a unique design that is ideal for squirrels and a wide variety of nut loving birds....
  • PREMIUM QUALITY: Graybunny Wreath Bird Feeder is black with a power coated finish and is made of high quality steel. 16" in diameter and...
  • ENTERTAINMENT: Hang outside and enjoy watching a flurry of pretty birds through your window. Delightful for parents, children and viewers of...
  • GREAT GIFT IDEA: A unique and eco-friendly gift option for a housewarming, birthdays, Christmas, dinner party, etc. Excellent for nature...
  • 1-YEAR WARRANTY: We are so confident you’ll love our product that we give a 1-year warranty on the purchase. If, for some reason, you are...

5. Birds Choice XWPF Whole Peanut Feeder

Birds Choice XWPF Whole Peanut Feeder

If you want to add decoration to your property by adding bird feeders, one of the best products in the market today that will give you 100% satisfaction is the Birds Choice XWPF Whole Peanut Feeder. Blue jays and other small birds truly love it.

I really like the feeder’s design. Everything is made of metal. It has a roof which keeps the peanuts safe and a platform which serves as a dispenser and a perch. The clearance between the roof and the platform is small that’s why only blue jays and other small birds can perch and feed.

I also like the way how this feeder is durable. There are moments that this feeder gets knocked down to the ground because of the birds’ erratic movements. Even so, every part of the product remains intact no matter how many times it happens.

In addition to durability, this bird feeder is remarkably weatherproof. No amount of rain, heat, and dirt can change its color or shape for a very long time. I also like how easy it is to hang in a pole or a tree. I didn’t have to use any special tool just to mount it.

My only concern about this particular feeder is how easily it falls off the hook. Surely, birds flock on the feeder, but as it sways because of the birds’ weight and the wind, it falls to the ground. I had to twist the hook to lock the feeder into place to prevent it from falling over and over again. Also, this feeder is not really squirrel-proof. They keep on raiding the peanuts which drive the blue jays away.


  • Made of metal
  • It has a roof which keeps the peanuts dry during rainy days
  • Durable
  • Lightweight
  • Weatherproof
  • Easy to hang


  • Easily falls off the hook
  • Not squirrel-proof
Having mentioned all of the important points, I believe that this product is a wonderful addition to your home or property. It keeps the peanuts securely. Furthermore, it attracts birds easily so you don’t have to worry about any leftover food. Finally, this feeder will last you a very long time because it is durable, lightweight, and weatherproof.
Birds Choice XWPF Bird Feeder, 2 Quarts, Beige
  • MAGNET MESH WHOLE PEANUT FEEDER: Feed the woodpeckers and jays with this whole peanut in the shell feeder! Comes complete with hanging...
  • CAPACITY: This feeder holds up to 2 quarts. Whole peanuts, shelled peanuts, and suet nuggets (not included) are a great way to attract jays...
  • MADE IN THE USA: This product is proudly made in America and manufactured in our Wisconsin facility
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6. Gray Bunny GB-6856

Gray Bunny GB-6856

If you are searching for a bird feeder that can supply the blue jays with lots of food, then perhaps the Gray Bunny GB-6856 is the one for you!

I like the way how I have to elevate the roof cap to access the steel mesh seed compartment. This is definitely an easy way to refill the supply of peanuts without dismounting the whole feeder in the process.

I noticed that the paint job prevents discoloration. This effectively becomes its weatherproofing feature. Because this feeder is made of metal, I can tell that it will last a very long time. In addition, the design roof cap prevents water from soaking the peanuts that are stored inside. However, the steel mesh wire allows air to keep the peanuts dry, providing the blue jays with fresh blue jays food every day.

Despite its magnificent features, I noticed some things that are very concerning. First, in my list are the screws. The screws that are supposed to be the locking mechanism for the base are not included in the package that I received. I had to find spare screws in my toolbox to use this feeder. Fortunately, they fit perfectly so I was able to hang the feeder immediately. Another concern for me is the feeder doesn’t seem to be squirrel-proof.


  • Durable
  • Weatherproof
  • Chew-proof
  • Can store up to two cups of peanuts
  • It has a dome-shaped roof which prevents rain from spoiling the peanuts
  • The food compartment is made of galvanized steel mesh
  • Easy to hang
  • Easy to clean
  • Has a worry-free one-year guarantee


  • Some screws are missing from the package
  • Not really squirrel-proof
Considering all of the information I have stated above, I can say that the Gray Bunny GB-6856 is an outstanding bird feeder. It is easy to hang, durable, weatherproof, and easy to clean. The seed compartment can store up to two cups of peanuts, which is convenient especially if you don’t want to refill it every now and then. The steel wire mesh is chew-proof, so you can be confident that the squirrels won’t destroy the feeder.
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7. Nature’s Way Bird Products CWF3 Cedar Platform Tray Bird Feeder

Nature's Way Bird Products CWF3 Cedar Platform Tray Bird Feeder

If you want hassle-free and safe feeding while attracting all kinds of birds, then do what I did. I bought the awesome Cedar Platform Tray Bird Feeder of Nature’s Way Bird Products! This is, by far, the best tray feeder I bought!

The insect- and rot-resistant premium cedar wood makes it look clean. It blends perfectly with the environment. I put some dried grass and leaves around it to make it more bird friendly. I also added seed mix on a side and some suet nuggets on another.

After a while, a lot of birds came and dined in! My regulars are of course Blue Jays, then chickadees, doves, and cardinals. What I love about this is that it can hold a lot of birds at a time with an area of 1 square foot and a depth of 2.25 inches. Now that’s a feast!

Refilling and cleaning are super fast and easy, too. I can just pour in any good-sized feed with no spills. After, I lift the Fresh Seed Tray™ and gently scrub it. Easy peasy. I don’t even have to worry about bacteria and mold build up. The tray is powder-coated, while the steel hanging cable is vinyl-coated. The feeder allows air flow and does not suspend water after raining.

One thing that puts me off is that I had to look for a larger hook or an extension to install it on a feeder pole. Other than that, everything’s great.


  • Appealing to birds
  • Large capacity and feed volume
  • Removable Fresh Seed Tray™ with drainage
  • Easy to fill and clean
  • Rust- and mold-free materials
  • Has a 5-year warranty


  • May need hook or extension for pole-hanging
This Cedar Platform Tray Bird Feeder is the simplest and best feeder you could ever buy. I’m happy I bought it! It comes with a 5-year warranty, which is more than enough for any bird feeder.
Nature's Way Bird Products CWF3 Cedar Platform Tray Bird Feeder 12" x 12"
  • Extra spacing to accommodate large birds like Cardinals and Jays
  • Removable Fresh Seed Tray
  • Keeps seed fresh by allowing water to drain and air to flow freely
  • Constructed from premium Cedar using stainless steel screws, this feeder is built for years of birding enjoyment

8. Squirrel Buster Peanut Plus

Squirrel Buster Peanut Plus

Do you want to feed birds with shelled peanuts and prefer to limit squirrel and rodent access? We have a solution for that, and that’s Brome’s Squirrel Buster Peanut Plus.

The feeder is a cylindrical mesh container made of plastic with a dimension of 19.5 in. x 5.3 in. x 5.3in. Just a tip: provide vertical and horizontal clearances of about a foot and a half when you place it on a pole or tree. I learned that this will make sure that the squirrels cannot jump to the feeder.

I did not have any problem installing it the first time. When I had to transfer it from a tree to a new pole, I did not even use any tools. This feeder also has a large tail prop, so birds can feel relaxed and comfortable while eating.

I’m glad it can hold about half a kilo of unsalted, shelled peanuts or suet nuggets for a long time. There’s an opening in the mid-section, so refilling can be easy. You might want to put enough food so that it will not swell up and have mold build up after a rain.

True to its name, it is squirrel proof! The weight sensitive tension spring mechanism automatically closes the feeder when an unwanted visitor comes. It was so amazing how I was able to change the weight setting to allow access only for the birds visiting my backyard. Now, I can even avoid small rats and mice.

Here’s our safety net: a 2-year warranty with lifetime care. We can always seek help for calibration, repair, and maintenance.

Well, I have to be honest. I was a bit hesitant to buy it at first because of the high price. But for the value and package, I did not allow another second thought!


  • Squirrel proof
  • Weight sensitive
  • With tail prop
  • Adjustable tension springs
  • Has a two-year warranty


  • A bit expensive
For a reasonably priced product that can provide you selective feeding and squirrel proofing, go for Squirrel Buster Peanut Plus. I honestly believe this is the best bird feeders for blue jays. Now, that’s a peace of mind you deserve!

9. Stovall 18FS Whole Peanut Feeder

Stovall 18FS Whole Peanut Feeder

I don’t usually get impressed with bird feeders, more with the manufacturer, until Stovall’s Whole Peanut Feeder. It is a perfect mix of simplicity, durability, and great company practice. I am pretty sure you will know when you own one!

The 18FS model is made mostly of protected cedar wood and sized as 13.5 in. x 11.5 in x 11 in. It has a 1-inch rust-proof stainless steel mesh attached to the wood frame by dichromate plated screws and washers. The chains and hooks are also made of the same material.

It is heavier than I thought! The weight helped a lot whenever the strong wind comes. The feeder has been standing fine for more than two years now. That certainly makes it a long-lasting feeder.

I specifically love that the design is pleasing to the eye. We always see blue jays, pigeons, doves, and starlings roosting on its perches. The feeder holds a big volume of peanuts and suet nuggets while protecting it from squirrels.

I like how the manufacturers value delivering high-quality products to their consumers. They manually sand and assemble it, ensuring there’s no unpolished side. Other than that, their mission to produce environmentally friendly products is worth applauding.

Good thing I have a feeder pole with dishes. I think the best way to use this is to place it on top of the dish. But if you really would opt to hang it, you might need a pole adapter, larger hook, or extension.

My only concern is that smaller feed sizes will just fall off. So, shelled corn or any size close to it is not advisable. On top of everything, it is a worthy buy!


  • Simple and attractive design
  • Sturdy, durable, long-lasting, and heavy duty
  • Squirrel proof


  • Mesh is too big
This is the only feeder you’ll ever need. It provides you with all the necessary features, while still caring for the environment and product quality. I will not be surprised to see this feeder in all patios, lawns, and gardens! It’s one of my favorites, and I’m sure you’ll love it too.
Stovall 18FS Whole Peanut Feeder
  • Peanut in the shell feeder
  • Hand sanded and assembled with stainless steel and dichromate plated screws
  • Dimensions: 13-1/2-inch by 11-1/2-inch by 11-inch
  • All cedar construction
  • Hand crafted in Michigan


Other Important Factors To Consider


What is a blue jay feeder

A blue jay feeder is a type of bird feeder that is specifically made for blue jays. Since blue jays are different from the usual birds we encounter in bird watching, their feeders need to be tailored specifically for their qualities. Their size, diet, habits, including individual and flock tendencies, are important factors and should be carefully considered when purchasing a feeder. It is because of these factors that bird watchers from all around the globe are using feeders specifically made for blue jays because it yields better results than the standard bird feeders.

How it works

Like most bird feeders, blue jay feeders attract flying, nesting, and migrating birds from around the area through visual stimulus and the premise of free food. Some feeders mimic nature in order to make birds feel comfortable, some give birds a much needed brain-teasing challenge, and some can also be simple and straightforward feeders where birds can eat quickly and then fly away.

Either way, the premise of free food just out there in the open is enough for our beautifully feathered friends to come over and partake on the feast we have prepared for them.

Different types of blue jay feeders

There are a number of variations out there in the market when it comes to blue jay feeders. Going to the shop without doing proper research about blue jays and what kind of feeders one would need when dealing with them, people would often end up buying the wrong ones, wasting time, energy, and effort in the process. And so, I have categorized them in two parts in order to help you figure out what they are actually, how to use them, and when.

According to Placement

First, we have the types of feeders with regards to the placement. This is where you consider the surroundings, like the weather and terrain type you have in your area. You have to assess where you will place it: whether you have a large, green garden or just a simple set-up in your yard. Consider the weather: whether it is almost always raining, or windy, or sunny. Will you opt for practical use, or prioritize your garden’s aesthetics?

There are three types of feeders according to placement, and these are:

  • Hanging feeders

Hanging feeders are, well, hung from a height. Mostly utilized for feeding birds who are fond of flying or just passing by, this is the type of feeder that most bird watchers use when there are branching trees or poles around your area. Blue jays are intelligent birds, and sometimes they do not feel comfortable going to the ground to find seeds. Hanging feeders solve that by giving them the option to fly around and peck at the seeds on the hanging feeder.

Aside from this advantage, hanging feeders also provide better visibility for the birds. The birds up in the sky can see them better, giving you a better chance of attracting them. Bird watching using hanging feeders can be a delight because it shows the poetry in motion that blue jays give you as they circle the food as they peck around it.

  • Mounted feeders

Mounted feeder is the second aerial-type feeder in this category. With mounted feeders, you need not find a high branch or a tall wall where you can hang the feeder from; instead, you can attach it to a sturdy part of a trunk or a wall with a screw or a nail. With this, you are given more security for the feeder, and a better vantage point when bird watching.

Mounted feeders also provide a standing area for birds that are drawn to it, where they can stand, rest, and eat at the same time. Mounted feeders are also very enjoyable for me because they could not be easily swayed by the strong wind, which dissuades the birds from eating at times.

  • Grounded feeders

As the name suggests, grounded feeders are the ones that you can safely place on the ground providing stability and comfort for the blue jays that opt for eating the leftover seeds that fall from the mounted and hanging feeders. As blue jays are very cautious when it comes to feeding, grounded feeders can provide them with an extra sense of comfort especially when placed in areas surrounded by grass and shrubberies. With grounded feeders, you need not fear the feeder being destroyed by falling from a height, whether due to strong winds or bird weight.

According to Usage

Now when it comes to the actual usage, I have also characterized blue jays feeders into three, namely the tube, hopper, and platform feeders. Let’s find out who they differ.

  • Tube feeders

Tube feeders are cylindrical in shape and are placed standing in an upright position. How it works is that it allows for the food (mainly seeds, small fruits, and sometimes invertebrates) to move in a downward motion where birds can access them in small portions through multiple feeding perches and ports. Think of it as a dispenser, but mostly filled with nuts and other bird food.

There are two types of tube feeders for blue jays, the small tube feeder and the large tube feeder. The small tube feeder caters mostly to the smaller species of blue jays, like the Florida Blue Jay, which is the smallest of the Blue Jay species.

With tinier food, the small tube feeder gives the smaller blue jays a faster feeding experience. The large tube feeder is more appropriate for the other three Blue Jay species since they are bigger in size. They allow for bigger nuts and fruits for the consumption of the blue jays, which attracts them in numbers and boosts the frequency of their visits.

  • Hopper feeders

Hopper feeders hold food in a container, whether tubular or rectangular in shape, and dispense bird seeds at its bottom through gaps or holes. These seeds are held by bottom trays that oftentimes serve as perches for the birds as well.

  • Platform feeders

Platform feeders are the ‘one size fits all’ of all the feeder types. They are open containers that mostly resemble trays, and are usually flocked by birds in numbers. They leave the food out in the open, making it very visible for birds from a distance. Compared to other feeders they are easier to clean, however, they do not offer much of the protection that other feeders provide.

These are the types of feeders according to usage and placement. Stores have multiple variations and combinations of these feeders available for your specific needs. There are mounted hoppers, hanging platforms, and grounded tubes that cater to specific functions.

A roofed platform feeder protects the seeds from the blistering heat, a mounted tube feeder protects them from the winds, and a walled hopper feeder protects them from the rain. It is best to identify first the situation you have and then think of the right feeder that you might need before going to the store.

Why buy a blue jay feeder

As we have discussed thoroughly in this piece, blue jay feeders are built entirely different from your run-on-the-mill feeders because these birds are just simply bigger, heavier, and smarter than your average birds. For example, these birds grow to 9 – 12 inches on average, compared to the other songbirds we see that grows to just 5-6 inches on average. They are also monogamous and therefore are with mates for life, and they live and travel in small flocks as well which lets us know that we will attract more of them than your average birds.

They are observant of watchers, whether by man or other birds of prey, which suggest that they are more likely to fly away when they sense they are being watched. This is why blue jays are built stronger and placed in areas that provide a sense of security.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the most popular blue jay feeder brands?

There are many bird feeders for blue jays that you can purchase in the market these days. Some of them are durable while others are not so. If you are looking for quality blue jay feeders, here are some of the brands that you should consider:

  • Audubon
  • Droll Yankees
  • Songbird Essentials
  • Gray Bunny
  • Birds Choice
  • Squirrel Buster
  • Nature’s Way

These brands have earned the trust of so many birdwatchers and enthusiasts (like me) all over the United States and Canada. If you want to start attracting blue jays in your area, these are the ones that you should consider buying.

What do blue jays eat?

Blue jays have a wide range of diet. They eat whatever they find in the wild. They are also known to play with aluminum foils and bottle caps. However, they are particularly fond of acorns, berries, corn, peanuts, sunflower seeds, and insects.

If you have a bird feeder for blue jays, you should always fill it with the above mentioned treats. This way, they will always come back for more.

How to build a bird feeder for blue jays?

Building a bird feeder for blue jays is actually easy. All you have to do is to find the right materials. If you have some discarded materials, then this project will be as easy as pie.

Here’s what you need:

  • Rope (18 inches or longer)
  • Wooden board
  • An old bowl
  • Galvanized steel mesh
  • Blue paint (preferably waterproof)

Here’s how to build it:

  • Measure the bowl’s radius and circumference
  • Cut the galvanized steel mesh. Its length should be 10 to 12 inches long and the base and the top should match the old bowl’s radius and circumference. Then, make a cylinder out of it.
  • Cut the rope around 18 inches. Burn the ends to prevent it from untangling.
  • At one of the ends of the rope, make a good knot.
  • Drill a hole at the center of the bowl. Make sure that the other end of the rope can pass through it. Apply the blue waterproof paint.
  • For the base of the feeder, get the wood board and cut it in a square shape that is slightly larger than the bowl’s circumference. This will allow the birds to perch on the platform.
  • Apply the blue waterproof paint on the wooden board.
  • Drill a hole in the middle of the wooden board. Allow the rope to pass through it. Make sure that the knot is at the bottom of the board.
  • Bring the cylinder steel mesh at the center of the board. Allow the rope to pass through it.
  • Let the rope pass through the center of the bowl. Make sure that its bottom is pointing upwards to shield the contents inside the steel wire mesh.
  • Before hanging the improvised blue jay feeder, fill the seed compartment with peanuts.
  • Make sure that the bowl touches the top of the steel mesh properly.
  • Hang the bird feeder in the location of your own choice.

How to clean?

Cleaning blue jay bird feeders are actually easy. In order to remove the dirt, grime, and dried bird poop, all you have to do is to splash it with clean water.

If the dirt and grime still persist, scrub the feeder with steel wool until it is clean.

Where to buy?

You can buy bird feeder for blue jays at your favorite pet stores. However, if you wish to find a more suitable feeder for your taste, you can always visit places such as Walmart, Home Depot, and Lowes. These shopping places always offer a wide selection of designs that which will not only make the birds happy but also decorate your property.

If you don’t have time to visit these shopping places, you can also try to shop online. Bird feeders are widely popular on shopping sites such as


We could go all day about how blue jays are different from other birds, and it all sums up to this – blue jays feeders are built differently compared to your normal feeder. Only when you have the right feeder will you attract blue jays, and boy are they a delight to watch! The icy blue hues and the sweet songs they serenade you with, it sure brings out the best in you and your garden.

With a proper blue jay feeder, you are sure to be the talk of the neighborhood, all thanks to your newfound, blue feathered friends! If you want this dream to become a reality, then study this list carefully and choose the right blue jay feeder for you!

You will also like: First Nature Hummingbird Feeder

Last update on 2023-09-02 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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