Are Birds Cold Blooded? Here’s How They Keep Warm

are birds cold blooded

Are birds cold blooded

As the temperature begins to drop and winter sets in, many of us take refuge in our homes where it is warm and comfortable. But what happens to the animals and birds that are outdoors in these extreme conditions? Do they have somewhere to go to stay warm, or do they have special abilities that help them survive the cold weather?

Taking a closer look at how birds stay warm in the winter and if they are cold-blooded, let’s find out how they manage.

The short answer is that birds are not cold-blooded like some other animals. They can maintain their body heat in cold weather by producing heat and using different bodily mechanisms. This allows them to survive better and protect their territory.

Keep reading to learn more about the evolution of birds and investigate whether they have always been warm-blooded and how birds survive in the cold.

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What Does A Warm-Blooded Creature Mean?

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The term “warm-blooded” describes animals that can keep their body heat at a specific level, despite the surrounding climate. These warm-blooded creatures rely on internal and external factors to either cool down their body temperature in warmer climates or warm it up when temperatures drop. 

Internal activities, such as burning fat or shivering, help to regulate the animal’s body temperature. External aids, such as fur or feathers, also help to insulate the animal and protect it from extreme weather conditions.

Are Birds Cold-Blooded?

are birds cold blooded

Birds are not cold-blooded animals. They evolved from cold-blooded dinosaurs and developed the ability to maintain a constant body temperature. This means that birds can keep themselves warm in winter or freezing temperatures. 

Endothermic birds are very well suited for survival as they can maintain themselves perfectly in extreme heat and cold. 

Due to all these reasons, birds prove to be warm-blooded rather than cold-blooded like their ancestors. Apart from this, another reason which makes birds warm-blooded is their feathers. But how do birds maintain their own body heat in winter?

The feathers of birds are very good insulators and help the bird to maintain its body temperature. Birds are able to fluff up their feathers which helps retain heat and conserve energy in cold conditions. Smaller birds usually have a higher body temperature than large birds. 

This is because small birds have a higher rate of metabolism. All birds maintain their body temperature at around 39-43 degrees C (102-109 degrees F). However, in certain situations, birds increase or decrease the temperature of certain body parts to keep themselves warm or cool, as the case may be. 

Thus, it can be said that birds are not cold-blooded animals but are warm-blooded like mammals. All bird species are warm blooded. There are no cold-blooded birds.

A bird’s average body temperature is higher than that of a human, at a constant level of between 41 and 43 degrees Celsius (106 to 109 degrees Fahrenheit), and birds have different methods of adapting to conserve or reduce their body heat.

When Did Birds Become Warm-Blooded?

The evolution of birds can be traced back to a group of dinosaurs known as Maniraptora. This group of dinosaurs was characterized by having hollow bones and three-toed limbs. Research suggests that the reason birds are warm-blooded is due to their need to fly. 

Smaller creatures with fully developed feathers that could eventually sustain flight needed to maintain a constant body temperature to survive in different environments. 

Being warm-blooded allowed these early birds to be more agile and have better control over their body temperature, giving them an advantage over their competitors.

Common Patterns Of Birds In Winter

are birds cold blooded

Let’s look at how these challenging birds keep their normal body temperature during winter.

Fluffing Feathers

Most animals use their fur, feathers, or fat to insulate themselves from the cold weather. Birds, on the other hand, rely on their body weight and feathers to keep them warm. 

A bird’s feathers are key in helping the bird regulate its body temperature. The feathers can trap pockets of air next to the bird’s skin, which helps insulate against heat loss. 

This process is known as ‘fluffing up,’ and it’s often seen when a bird is trying to keep warm in cold temperatures.

In addition, all birds produce a special kind of oil near the base of their tail. This oil helps make their feathers aligned and helps them survive in cold weather.


Another way that birds keep warm is by shivering. Shivering is when your muscles contract and produce heat. Birds can shiver their entire body or just certain parts of their body, depending on how cold it is.

Huddling Together

When it’s really cold outside, birds will huddle together to keep warm. By huddling together, they can share their body heat and keep each other warm. Birds will also fluff up their feathers when it’s cold to create a layer of air around their body.

Tucking In Their Feet

Another important question that most people ask is: if birds can grow feathers on their bodies, what happens to their feet?

So the way birds keep warm is by tucking their feet under their body. Tucking in their feet helps them conserve heat and keep warm. In addition, many birds have a special type of feathers called down feathers. Down feathers are soft and fluffy and help insulate the bird’s body.

How Do Birds Keep Warm At Night?

Most birds can lower their internal body temperature by a few degrees, but this state of “torpor” can be dangerous as it makes them sluggish and slow to respond.

Some species, such as finches, add fat in winter to both better insulate themselves and provide an energy source. To survive long winter nights, birds consume high-energy foods during the day to maintain their body temperature and burn stored fat. This is why they eat seeds that are high in fat and protein. By doing so, they can endure the cold evenings and survive until morning.

Birds also sleep in groups to keep warm. When they sleep, they tuck their head under their wing and fluff up their feathers to create a layer of air around their body. This helps them keep warm throughout the night.

So, these are some of the ways that birds keep warm at night. As you can see, they have some unique adaptations that help them survive in cold weather.


Now you know whether are birds warm-blooded or cold-blooded and how some have adapted to live in cold environments. You also know how these birds keep warm in winter. 

So, the next time you see a bird shivering in the cold, you’ll know that it’s just trying to stay warm!